1. Affective, Sensory, and Imagery Techniques in Multimodal Therapy
  2. Systematic Treatment Selection
  3. The Psychological Level of the Proto Self
  4. Definition and Components of the Therapeutic Alliance
  5. The Concept of Self-Esteem
  6. Self-Efficacy
  7. Repairing Alliance Ruptures
  8. Multimodal Therapy (excluding basic techniques used in multimodal therapy)
  9. Beitman’s Model of Future Predictions
  10. The Psychological Level of the Core Self
  11. Learned Helplessness
  12. Alliance Ruptures
  13. The Six Modalities Model of Relationships
  14. Specific Aspects of the Therapeutic Alliance
  15. Attachment Theory: Adult Attachment Styles
  16. Relational Principles in Psychotherapy
  17. Types of Self-Esteem
  18. The Plastic Self
  19. The Biological Level of the Core Self
  20. The Biological Level of the Proto Self
  21. The Transtheoretical Model
  22. Clinically Informed Strategy
  23. Cognitive and Interpersonal Techniques in Multimodal Therapy
  24. Behavioral Interventions in Multimodal Therapy
  1. Projective Tests
  2. Projective Diagnosis
  3. Risk Assessment
  4. Cinema Therapy
  5. Psychodrama
  6. The Concept of Art and Art Theory
  7. Music Theory
  8. Dance and Movement Psychotherapy
  9. Guided Imagery Accompanied by Music
  10. Cognitive-Behavioral Music Therapy
  11. Free Improvisation Music Therapy – Alvin’s Model
  12. Vocal Psychotherapy (Austin’s Method)
  13. Bonny Method (excluding music programs)
  14. Theory of Music Therapy
  15. Emotional Effects of Music, Music as a Metaphor, Altered States of Consciousness
  16. Neurobiology of Music
  17. Human Perception of Music
  18. Symbolic Image Analysis
  19. Formal Image Analysis
  20. General and Functional Image Analysis
  21. Projective Drawing – List at Least 5 Fields of Application