Applications for the training of supervisors are temporarily suspended.
Selection criteria:
a. Eligible candidates must be psychotherapists.
b. Must have worked for at least 2 years as psychotherapists (not counting supervised practice).
c. At least 1000 hours of direct work with clients during the 2 years of practice.
d. Ethical behaviour as a psychotherapist, in accordance with the Ethics Code.
e. Sustained activity in the practice of psychotherapy, participation at conferences, summer schools, optional courses and seminars.
f. Publications: conference papers and journal articles.
g. Quality of dissertation papers and essays.
h. A sufficient level of personal development: balanced personality, high level of emotional intelligence.
Admission to the training for supervisors programme:
a. Admission is decided by at least 2 accredited supervisors, with an experience of at least 6 years in supervision.
b. Admission to the training for supervisors program consists of:
– presentation of a clinical case;
– motivation interview.
The training program for supervisors:
The training of supervisors takes place for a minimum of 2 years and consists of:
– 200 hours of theory and practical application: 1. Supervision models; 2. The developmental approach in supervision; 3. Integrative models of supervision; 4. The supervision relationship; 5. Competence in supervision; 6. Problems in supervision; 7. Supervision as a process; 8. The technique of supervision; 9. Supervision of child psychotherapy; 10. The supervisor’s personal development.
– 150 hours of clinical supervision of supervisees, as a co-supervisor;
– 50 hours of clinical supervision of supervisees;
– 50 hours of supervision of supervision (supervision of supervision of actual supervisees that the trainee sees in her/his own practice).
– 100 hours of continuous professional development courses (CPD);
– 20 hours of moderating the monthly debate and discussion meetings;
– 250 hours of individual study for the final report regarding the candidate’s activity as co-supervisor and an essay regarding own perspective on the supervision process;
– 250 hours of individual study assigned for the final clinical supervision report;
– 800 hours of psychotherapy practice with clients;
– 500 hours of individual study assigned for the reports and protocols regarding own psychotherapeutic practice with clients;
– 500 hours of individual study assigned for writting at least four essays;
– 250 hours of individual study assigned for publishing two articles in psychotherapy journals;
– 250 hours of individual study assigned for scientific activities such as: papers, posters and workshops presented in various conferences/congresses, etc;
– 1000 hours of individual study assigned for the preparation of the practical and theoretical examination, and the disseration paper.