Professional training in psychotherapy spans five years with monthly training modules, while coaching training takes two and a half years, also with monthly modules. To qualify as a psychotherapist or coach, one must complete both theoretical and practical training, attain an adequate level of personal development, and participate in supervised clinical practice during the early stages of their career. Both the psychotherapy and coaching training programs at the Association of Collaborative Research, Counselling and Psychotherapy Integration (ACCPI) provide these fundamental components necessary for professional qualification. These programs consist of basic and advanced training, personal development modules, individual psychotherapy, and supervision of clinical practice. The Training and Membership Committee oversees the structure and quality of this training.

Structure of the Training Department

The Training Department, guided by the Training and Membership Committee, includes:

The Training and Membership Committee

Chair of the Training and Membership Committee: Oana Maria Popescu, email:

The responsibilities of the Training and Membership Committee include:

Proposing professional activity programs within the association.

Establishing a training framework for clinicians in psychotherapy and coaching, complying with international standards;

Continually enhancing and promoting professional standards in both psychotherapy and coaching;

Approving training programs developed by trainers;

Assisting guest trainers;

Implementing flexible measures for exceptional cases, including recognizing equivalent training from similar organizations – the recognition of prior learning policy;

Certifying levels of professional practice;

Reviewing and endorsing proposals for ongoing professional training, workshops, and other initiatives under the ACCPI, to enhance professional skills and personal growth;

Ensuring the quality of integrative education in training, as well as other professional development activities;

Maintaining records of individuals participating in basic and advanced training, personal development, supervision, ongoing professional training, or other continuous professional development forms;

Issuing certificates or diplomas for ACCPI-organized activities;

Addressing and resolving training-related complaints and disputes;

Evaluating and promoting innovative integrative approaches in psychotherapy and coaching;

Notifying appropriate registries about the accreditation status of psychotherapists or coaches within ACCPI;

Supporting research activities within the association and in collaboration with other organizations;

You can access the following documents:

Fitness to study procedure

Policy regarding trainees with disabilities

Student support policy